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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 86-93
Experimental Study for Some of the Mechanical and Physical Properties for the Binary Polymer of (Epoxy resin – Polyurethane)
Adnan R. Ahmed | Saif Sabah Arheem | Moayed F. Abdulhameed |
Pure Science Coll., Tikrit University, Iraq | Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq | University of Technology, Iraq |
This study aimed to prepare a mixture of binary polymer composed of Epoxy resin and Polyurethane Liquid Rubber, by ordinary mixing. Then, studying the mechanical properties which are hardness, tensile strength, compressive strength, fluxral strength and finally impact strength and also studying physical properties which are water absorption and thermal conductivity for the mixture before and after submerging it with distilled water for different durations. The base material was the epoxy resin (Quick Mast 105), with a hardener ratio of (1:3), while the additive was the Polyurethane Liquid Rubber and a hardener ratio of (1:3), as well. Furthermore, the weight ratio of the Polyurethane Liquid Rubber to the epoxy was 15% wt. The results showed that the tensile and impact strengths and thermal conductivity, are directly related with submerging duration from (0–28) day where it increase by 37.65%, 241.67%, 29.5% respectively, on the contrary to the hardness of the mixture, which decreases by 7.35% with the duration length. The bending strength increases by 125% with the increase of the duration till it reaches a duration of 14 days, then it drops again with increase the duration of 28 days. It was found that the percentage of water absorption increased with increasing duration of immersion (0–5) day even up to 1.65%. It was also found that the toughness of the dry mixture is higher than the toughness of the mixture submerged with distilled water.
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Keywords: Polymer mixture, submerging time, polyurethane, mechanical properties, physical properties.