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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 94-101

Spatial Analysis of the Solid Waste Bins in the Sectors of the City of Mosul “Environmental Study in Geographic Information Systems”

Zainab Ali K. Zenad
Kirkuk Technical College, Northern Technical University, Iraq


 An experimental study on a passive solar distiller in the Tikrit city on (latitude line”34 36o The problem of solid waste in Mosul city is one of the most important daily problems that faces the municipal and other institutions, because it consists eight sectors and those of varied in the people preparation, economic conditions and area, This study aimed to identify the spatial variation of solid waste as well as the geographical distribution of bins numbers and spatial analysis using geographic information systems. The study produced many maps of the bins number distribution geographically using buffer tools that used to determine the area served by a single bin, as well as the maps of the spatial analysis by Theissen polygons and IDW methods. The study results proved the efficiency of IDW compared to Theissen polygons method, because the analysis by polygons Theissen methods show only the capacity and efficiency of the bin to accommodate the solid waste at the same location, as well as of the generality and comprehensiveness at the area expense in the spatial description process unlike the first type.

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Keywords: Solid waste, Spatial analysis, Inverse distance weight method (IDW). 

How to cite

TJES: Ahmed AR, Arheem SS, Abdulhameed MF.  Experimental Study for Some of the Mechanical and Physical Properties for the Binary Polymer of (Epoxy resin – Polyurethane). Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24(2): 86-93.
APA: Ahmed, A. R., Arheem, S. S., Abdulhameed, M. F. (2017). Experimental Study for Some of the Mechanical and Physical Properties for the Binary Polymer of (Epoxy resin – Polyurethane). Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(2), 86-93.
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