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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 28-34

Effect of Pressing Pressure on properties of Copper–10% Graphite Composites Prepared by Powder Metallurgy Technique

Hashim Sukor Humood AlGharagoly
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


 Copper metal has excellent thermal and electrical properties. It is suitable to use in many applications but it possesses relatively high friction and wear rate, So this research aimed to improve the behavior of the wear and reduce friction as well as mechanical and physical properties through the preparation of composite material with a copper as a metal matrix reinforced with graphite who works solid lubricant for the purpose of use in many applications such as electric brushes, mechanical sliding bearings, and other applications that require excellent thermal and electrical conductivity as well as low wear behavior. Adoption of powder metallurgy technique used copper as the metal matrix with 99.7% purity and ( ≤ 63 μm) particle size reinforcing with graphite 99.8% purity and (≤ 63 μm) particle size to prepare the (Cu-10% graphite) composite, Since they were mixing the percentages of the samples in the mechanical blender for 30 min. and then pressed the mixing in cold uniaxial pressing at different pressure of (600,700,800,900,1000) MPa and sintering at 900 oC for one hour. The result has shown that both bulk and apparent density increasing with increase the amount of pressure. The true and apparent porosity decreasing with increasing the pressure. This study found that the water absorption proportional with porosity and ranged between 0.711% and 0.28%. Also this result appeared the composite hardness proportional with increases the pressure Which in working to reduce wear rate. The microstructures used to promote and interpret the results.

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Keywords: Powder metallurgy technique, pressing pressure, apparent density, apparent porosity, wear resistance, composite material.

How to cite

TJES: AlGharagoly HSH.  Effect of pressing pressure on properties of copper–10% graphite composites prepared by powder metallurgy technique. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24 (2): 28-34.
APA: AlGharagoly, H. S. H.  (2017). Effect of pressing pressure on properties of copper–10% graphite composites prepared by powder metallurgy technique. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(2), 28-34.
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