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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 35-43

Sand Dune Stabilization by Hydrated Lime

Ndia Salim Ismael Hamed Humood Husein Faiza Ibrahim Mohammed
Technical Coll., Northern Technical University, Iraq


Formation and movement of sand dunes could be considered the most important problems that safer and destroy agricultural lands, domestic and industrial buildings. These dunes finally form a desertification state. The hard climate as high temperature and reduction in rainfall are the main factors affecting on this formation. This practical study is a trial to solve this problem through addition and covering the dunes by local material. Hydrated lime was used in this work, the lime was mixed with water in different ratios and covered a hills of sand. Three ratios of lime were selected to cover three sand hills with diameter 100 cm and height 50cm. The thickness of the lime layer is 6cm and covered all the hill. The hills were lifted for a year under the natural circumstances of sun shine, winds, rainfall and temperature. Results indicated that the hills were fixed and no sand were blown from dunes. Furthermore, some natural plants have been grown over them.

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Keywords: Sand dunes, hydrated lime, sand stabilization.

How to cite

TJES: Ismael NS,  Husein HH, Mohammed FI.  Sand dune stabilization by hydrated lime. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24 (2): 35-43.
APA: Ismael, N. S.,  Husein, H. H. & Mohammed, F. I.  (2017). Sand dune stabilization by hydrated lime. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(2), 35-43.
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