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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 61-67
Preparing Composite Materials from Commercially Pure Aluminum Scrap and Reinforced with Iraqi Sand
Mohammed Abdullateef A. Al-Kazragy | ||
Minerals and Production Dept., University of Technology, Iraq. |
This paper deals with reusing commercially pure aluminum scrap 1100 by converting it to aluminum-based composite reinforced material by using Iraqi silica sand. The sand is prepared and added in weight percentage of 1% and 2%. It is grain size ranges between 50 -75 um. Wettability of the mixture was increased by adding 2gm of pure magnesium. A special electric mixer was used to disperse silica sand grains to support aluminum scrap melt (matrix). Then the composite pieces were cut to samples suitable for tension, compression, hardness, wear, impact, corrosion resistance (in sea water) and microstructure inspection. The tests have shown that the composite has more resistance to tension, compression, hardness, and wear than the base alloy. This is because sand particles are dispersed uniformly (uniformly distributed throughout the cast) which hinder the movement of the dislocations slip plane. On the other hand, the resistance to impact and corrosion (in sea water for one month) decreased slightly. In wear resistance test, pin-on-desk was used where load, sliding speed, and slide distance were kept constant. Microstructure inspection on the base alloy and the composite materials were made before and after corrosion for comparison between them.
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Keywords: Composite materials, Aluminum–sand composite, composite mechanical properties.