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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 77-85

Noise Isolation Capability for a Range of Construction Materials used in Iraq

Qusay K. Al-Ahmady Muthana K. Abed
Mosul University, Iraq North Refinery Company, Baji, Iraq


This study deals with the ability of noise isolation for some type of concrete block used in Iraq. These materials are divided into groups and the noise isolation of these materials is tested by a device made locally. The results of these materials are compared and the following conclusions are reached: the sound isolation increases generally with the increase of the frequency, the increase is not linear but vibrated and a relative decrease in the sound insolation is noticed for the frequencies from 2000 Hz to 4000 Hz. The sound isolation increases with the increase of density of the material and vice versa. The sound isolation increases with the increase of the thickness if the density is stable. The sound isolation increases with the increase of the thickness of gap between two layers of a material and the highest value of the loss of sound transition corresponds a highest value of reducing of noise level. The lowest value of the noise reduction index corresponds to the lowest value of reducing of noise level. The most effective materials in reducing noise of the materials tested in this research are the solid concrete block to which a layer of Sandwich panel is added. The error percentage was less than 10%, particularly at the frequencies less than 1000 Hz.

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Keywords: Noise pollution, sound insulation, sound transmission loss, soncrete block.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Ahmady QK, Abed MK.  Noise isolation capability for a range of construction materials used in Iraq. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24 (2): 77-85.
APA: Al-Ahmady, Q. K. & Abed, M. K. (2017). Noise isolation capability for a range of construction materials used in Iraq. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(2), 77-85.
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