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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(3) 10- 14 

Investigate and Analyze the Electromagnetic Field Levels Inside an Electric Power Substation

Kamil Jadu Ali Ghanim Thiab Hasan Mahmood Ali Ahmed
Electrical Engineering Department, Tikrit University, Iraq.


The electric power transformers are very important part of the modern electric power and transmission line network systems. They are a high level source of the electromagnetic fields which can effect the workers health in the station. In this research, an electric and magnetic fields are generated due to the operation of the substation power distribution of 132/33 kV that investigated in order to avoid the workers overexposure these fields workers. This research has two phases a mathematical calculations and practical measurements. The intensities of the electric and magnetic fields have been measured at a substation using EMF tester device. The safe zones around the dangerous equipment have been determined. A comparison between the obtained results and the standard safety guideline limits has been done and the comparison results shows that they are within the acceptable limits.

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Keywords: Electric power distribution substation, electromagnetic field, health effect.

How to cite

TJES: Ali KJ, Hasan GT. Investigate and Analyze the Electromagnetic Field Levels Inside an Electric  power
Substation. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24(3): 10-14.
APA: Ali, K. J., Hasan, G. T. (2017). Investigate and Analyze the Electromagnetic Field Levels Inside an Electric  power
Substation. Tikrit Journal Of Engineering Sciences, 24(3), 10-14.
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