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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(3) 28- 33
The effects of Heat Treatment (T6) Technique and some Centrifugal Casting Parameters on the Fatigue Behavior of the Composite Material (A380/Al2O3)
Salah F. AbdulJabbar | Thaer F.A. ALSultan | Faris H. | Mohand A. Hamid |
Mechanical Dept., Dour-Institute, Technical Northern Technical University, Iraq |
Aluminum alloys composite is one of the most common types of composite materials that are widely used in the recent years. This paper deals with the effects of the heat treatment techniques and some centrifugal casting parameters on the fatigue behavior of the composite material (A380/ Al2O3) for high-cycle fatigue resistance which is one of the most important properties for the automotive industry. Aluminum alloy A380 is used with alumina particles Al2O3 to form a composite material through the process of centrifugal casting. The proportions are 10% and 20% with a grain size 63μm. Then, thirty-two models of composite material (A380/Al2O3) have been manufactured. Half of them are examined directly without treatment while the other half was treated with (T6) and then examined. The results showed that adding the amount of alumina 20% without heat treatment will increase relatively resistant composite material for the fatigue resistance by 17% percentage. Adding 10% alumina to the composite material causes distortion of the surface structure samples which marked by blisters and are completely discolored. A high Alumina content improves the fatigue behavior of the composite material (A380/Al2O3).
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Keywords: Fatigue test, heat treatment, centrifugal casting, aluminum alloy, composite material.
How to cite
TJES: AbdulJabbar SF, AlSultan TFA, Faris H, Hamid MA. The effects of heat treatment (T6) technique and some centrifugal casting parameters on the fatigue behavior of the composite material (A380/Al2O3). Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24 (3): 28-33.
APA: AbdulJabbar S. F., AlSultan T. F. A., Faris H. & Hamid M. A. (2017). he effects of heat treatment (T6) technique and some centrifugal casting parameters on the fatigue behavior of the composite material (A380/Al2O3). Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(3): 28-33.