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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(4) 21-28
Simulation the Influence of Geometry and Direction of Dwelling Building in Kirkuk
Suaad H. Danouk | Kamal J. Tawfeeq | Ashraf N. Husain |
Kirkuk Technical Coll., North Technical University, Iraq |
The present work deals with the influence of geometry and direction on energy efficiency for the envelopment of a dwelling building in Kirkuk government from existing models frequently used in the design of houses with a construction area 135.2 m 2 irregularly shaped four investigate cases of aspect ratio (1: 1, 1: 1.25, 1: 1.5 ,.1: 2) and put dimension by designed assistant program calculator by Visual Basic program for each cases at same format for the building envelopment, and then used building energy simulation program (Ecotect ) to compute the annual HVAC load ,peak cooling load and peak heating load during the preparation and import the hourly annual Weather data of Kirkuk region and examined the effect of orientation for building facade in the eight directions (north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, north-west) for each aspect ratio separately and then find the amounts of savings in annual HVAC load, has been reached that the square geometry of building have aspect ratio (1: 1) achieve greatest energy efficiency by saving 10% of the annual air conditioning load compared with the longest rectangular shape have aspect ratio’s (1:2), as well as been reached to the highest savings at the best direction of a square geometry of building at rate 1.43% of the annual air-conditioning load.
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Keywords: Geometry and direction, designed the aspect ratio’s, energy efficiency.