
TJES: Mohammed BF. Position control of solar panel receiver by joint generated power and received signal power maximization. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2018; 25 (3): 24-29.
APA: Mohammed, B. F. (2018). Position control of solar panel receiver by joint generated power and received signal power maximization. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(3), 24-29.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2018) 25(3) 24- 29

Position Control of Solar Panel Receiver by Joint Generated Power and Received Signal Power Maximization

Bassam Fadel Mohammed
Electronic and Control Eng. Dept., Northern Technical University, Iraq


The use of solar cells as photodetectors in Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) systems, is acquiring an increasing attention. This is due to the fact that a solar cell can detect an incident optical signal without the need to be biased by an external dc source, unlike traditional photodetectors. Basically, solar cells are designed to be used in solar energy harvesting systems. However, the solar cells are used during the day time and they remain idle at night. Then, they can be used in other applications, such as optical signal detection during night hours. Moreover, the efficiency of solar systems and solar receivers can be maximized by using dual axis light source tracking, to keep the cell orientation at the direction that results in the maximum electrical output. Therefore, in this paper, a solar cell positioning algorithm is proposed to track the maximum power point of both of the sun at day time and the optical communication signal at night. The proposed system can automatically distinguish between its two operation modes and then provides the necessary control. The proposed system is implemented and tested under realistic outdoor environment. It showed an accurate detection of the operation situation and also an accurate and smooth positioning during the specific operation mode. The measurement of the generated and consumed power by the designed system has emphasized it feasibility.

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Keywords: Solar panel, microcontroller, receiver design, optical wireless communication (OWC), sun trackin.

How to cite

TJES: Mohammed BF. Position control of solar panel receiver by joint generated power and received signal power maximization. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2018; 25 (3): 24-29.
APA: Mohammed, B. F. (2018). Position control of solar panel receiver by joint generated power and received signal power maximization. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(3), 24-29.
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