TJES: Waes MM. Optimum Building Wall Thickness under Actual Weather Conditions for Kirkuk City. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2018; 25 (4): 11-15.
Keywords: Optimum wall thickness, energy simulation, cold and hot climates.
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2018) 25(4) 11- 15
Optimum Building Wall Thickness under Actual Weather Conditions for Kirkuk City
Mousa M. Waes | |
Kirkuk Technical College, Northern Technical University, Kirkuk, Iraq |
The aim of the present study is to obtain the optimum wall thickness of the buildings from four different wall thickness sizes that which selected as 48, 32, 24, and 16 cm used for building room. The dimension of 6×4×3 m, built by a common brick insulated for all sides except south wall. For this purpose, an energy simulation has been conducted by preparing a computer programmer and was executed by Matlab software. The two days in different weather conditions on 2016, first on 30/12, and other 01/07 for a constant indoor temperature at 23oC. The results showed that the inner surface temperature was more stability against to the weather change for both climate conditions. In addition, the thick wall 48cm needs more energy consumption than other three types of walls about twice that 16cm thickness in a cold climate. The wall thick was more active for energy saving in a hot climate, and obverse, where the thin wall has more energy saving in a cold climate. The energy analyzing for both climates showing that the optimum wall thickness about 30 cm and the rate of energy consumption were estimated about 500 W.
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