TJES: Ablahd AZ, Dawwod SA .Using Flask for SQLIA Detection and Protection . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 27(2): 1- 14.
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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 27(2) 1- 14.
Using Flask for SQLIA Detection and Protection
Ann Z..Ablahd *1 Suhair A..Dawwod 2
At present the web applications are used for most of the life activities, these applications are affected by an attack called (Structure Query Language Injection Attack) SQLIA due to the vulnerabilities of the web application. The vulnerabilities of the web application are increased because most of application developers do not care to security in designing.SQL injection is a common attack that infects a web application. The attacker adds (Structured Query Language) SQL code to web page for accessing and changing victim databases.The vital step in securing the database and detecting such an attack in web apps is preparing a tool. Many researchers propose different ways for detection and prevention of such as an attack. In this paper a tool it proposed using a powerful micro-framework web application designer called Flask in Python 3.7 to detect and prevent such attacks. The proposed system is called SQLIAD. SQLIAD analyzed a web application on-line.
Keywords: SQL injection, Flask, vulnerability, Web application, Python, Django
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