
TJES: Ali SJM, Alwan HH. Measurements of Vibration and Noise Level at Different Cement Companies. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 27(2): 14- 21.

APA: Ali, S. J. M., Alwan, H. H. (2020). Measurements of Vibration and Noise Level at Different Cement Companies. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 27 (2), 14- 21.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 27(2) 14- 21.

Measurements of Vibration and Noise Level at Different Cement Companies

Sabah J.M.Ali *1 Hiba H..Alwan 2

1 College of Engineering/ University of AL-Kitab/ Kirkuk, Iraq

2 College of Engineering / Knowledge University / Erbil, Iraq

* Corresponding author: Sabah J.M.Ali  

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.27.2.02


The aim of this article is to compare Vibration and Noise measurements caused by different types of Machines at cement factories with the standard evaluation criteria of Vibration ISO 2631 – 4 EVS – EN 5349 – 2 and Noise following the standard ISO 9612 – 2009. Two cement companies were chosen, the first is located at Baddish district, 30km west of Mosul city (Iraq), which is called Baddish general cement company, while the other is located south of Mosul, and is called Hammam Al-Alil general cement company. Three stations were chosen for each company (raw materials grinding mills, cement grinding mills, and exhaust fan stations) having different electrical motor capacities. Noise level meter and vibration level meter manufactured by B & K (DENEMARK) were used for measurement. The location of bearing was chosen for vibration measurement, while the location of the operator’s ears for noise measurement, where chosen. It was found that most of the readings in vibration levels were unacceptable according to the evaluation criterion of vibration magnitude and noise level higher than 85dBA due to rotating unbalance misalignment and faulty gear matching (ISO 1940/1, 1990).


Keywords: Vibration, noise, monitoring performance, cement, vibration measurement.

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