TJES: Mohammed RK, A. Alhamdany U , Çetinkaya N, .A Load Flow Analysis Method for Kufa Cement Plant . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; vol(3): 1.- 9.
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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) vol(3.) 1.- 9.
A Load Flow Analysis Method for Kufa Cement Plant
Ridha K.. Mohammed *1 Uday .. A. Alhamdany 2 Nurettin .. Çetinkaya 3
The energy needs have been enlarged extremely. The electricity power generators are utilized and distributed in the national (local) grid. Many factors can affect on national distribution grid stability, such as load flow. It is utilized to evaluate various operating states for energy generation and distribution systems. In this article, six different generators are distributed in Kufa (Iraq) cement plant based on load flow balancing. Behinds, these distributed generators work under two modes, such that island mode and regular operation. The proposed modules are analyzed using Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) software. The achieved analysis can help to reduce the distribution grid shutdown. Furthermore, the load balancing can be achieved at both modes. Load flow analysis takes consideration for the total energy demands and losses of the system separately in order to balance load and optimize operation. The results show that the buses’ voltage drop in island mode was more than the voltage drop when the local grid connected to the national grid. The problems of drop voltages and power factor were solved.
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Keywords: load flow analysis, ETAP, island mode, local grid.
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