
TJES: Owolabi R , Usman M , Anuoluwapo AD, Oguamanam OP, .Modelling, Optimization and Green Metrics Evaluation of Bio-Catalytic Synthesis of Biodiesel . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 27(3): 17- 30.

APA: Owolabi, R., Usman, M. , Anuoluwapo, A. D., Oguamanam, O. P. (2020). Modelling, Optimization and Green Metrics Evaluation of Bio-Catalytic Synthesis of Biodiesel . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 27 (3), 17- 30.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 27(3): 17- 30.

Modelling, Optimization and Green Metrics Evaluation of Bio-Catalytic Synthesis of Biodiesel

Rasheed  Owolabi * Mohammed  Usman,  Adefunmilayo D. Anuoluwapo,  Onyekachi P. Oguamanam

Chemical and Petroleum Department, Engineering College/ University of Lagos,  Lagos State, Nigeria

* Corresponding author: uthmanrash642@yahoo.com  

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.27.3.03


The response surface methodology (RSM) was adopted in ths study to evaluate the influence, interplay and interaction of various process variables on the biodiesel yield using methanol and castor oil as feedstocks in the presence of bovine bones as bio-catalyst.Twenty experimental runs were designed using central composite design (CCD). RSM statistical model of second order was developed. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were performed on the model to find the relative influence of the process variables. An optimum yield of 95.12% was obtained at 60 0C reaction temperature, 120 minutes reaction time, molar to oil ratio 6:1, catalyst concentration of 10 % w and a stirring rate of 900 rpm. The experimental conditions under which biodiesel was synthesized in this study was compared with those of previous studies .It can therefore be inferred that , the conditions herein is competing with prior established conditions. The biodiesel was found to possess fuel properties that fall within acceptable limits and green metrics estimated showed compliance of the process with the diictates of green and sustainable chemistry.


Keywords: Response Surface Methodology,Central Composide Deisgn, Analysis of Variance, Biodiesel

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