TJES: Mahdi FM, Mahmood O. Effect of Yttrium Oxide on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Fe–10%Cu Composite. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 27(3): 67- 72.
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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 27(3): 67- 72.
Effect of Yttrium Oxide on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Fe–10%Cu Composite
Farouk M. Mahdi * , Omar ..Mahmood
ron-based composites have found a lot of industrial applications such as bearings, camshafts, connecting rods, pulleys, various valves, oil pump gears and many other applications in the automotive and other industries due to their low cost, availability, and high strength. The present study aims to prepare Fe-10 vol.% Cu – (0 – 5) wt.% nano Y2O3 composites by powder metallurgy technique and studying their physical and mechanical properties. The powders were mixed into ball mill for 30 minutes, followed by room temperature uniaxial compaction at 700 MPa for 3 minutes. The green specimens were sintered at 1000 oC for 1 hour. The results of the present study showed that nano yttrium oxide has significant effects on both physical and mechanical properties of Fe-10%Cu composite. The bulk density was increased by 0.92% and the true porosity was decreased by 6.4% on increasing the nano oxide content from 0% to 3% respectively. Vickers microhardness was increased by 5.9% on increasing Y2O3 up to 1% followed by gradual decrease on further increase above 1%. Wear rate was decreased by 21% on increasing the nano oxide content from 0% to 3%. On the other hand, the compressive strength was decreased by 47% on increasing Y2O3 up to 5%.
Keywords: Department of Mechanical Engineering (Production and Metallurgy)/ Engineering College/Tikrit University/ Tikrit, Iraq
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