
TJES: Al-Flaiyeh MA, Aziz NH .Enhancement Stability of the Power System Using Static Synchronous compensators Connected in Different Formats. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 28(1): 1- 12.

APA: Al-Flaiyeh, M. A., Aziz,  N. H. (2020). Enhancement Stability of the Power System Using Static Synchronous compensators Connected in Different Formats. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28(1), 1- 12.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 28(1): 1- 12.

Enhancement Stability of the Power System Using Static Synchronous compensators Connected in Different Formats

Maha A. Al-Flaiyeh * Nagham H. Aziz  

 Electrical Department/ Engineering College/Mosul University / Mosul, Iraq

* Corresponding author: mflaiyeh@gmail.com  

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.1.01


The research strategy focuses on the effect of connecting a STATCOM to mend critical-clearing-time (CCT) for the studied system and its transient stability. This paper targets to connect STATCOM in two situations, grouped and distributed. The first situation connects STATCOM at one placement with 100 MVAR reactive power while the second situation connects two STATCOMs at two different placements with the value 50 MVAR for each one and 60 MVAR,40 MVAR in another case. It has been found through this research that when distributing the necessary compensation capacity to more than one static synchronous compensator better than from combined them in one compensator in improving the CCT. It used MATLAB / ver.2017 for simulation of our studied system (IEEE-9 nodes).


Keywords: Critical-Clearing-Time (CCT) ,STATCOM, FACTs compensator ,Stability voltage control.

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