
TJES: Ibrahim MH, Jasim AH, .Voltage Collapse Prediction of IEEE 30-Bus system. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(1): 98- 121.

APA: Ibrahim MH, Jasim AH, . (2021). Voltage Collapse Prediction of IEEE 30-Bus system. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (1), 98- 121.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(1) 98- 121.

Voltage Collapse Prediction of IEEE 30-Bus system

Mohammed H..Ibrahim *1 Abdulsattar H..Jasim 2

0 Electrical Eng. Dept./ Engineering College/Tikrit University /Tikrit/ Iraq

* Corresponding author: eemh93@st.tu.edu.iq  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.1.10


Voltage collapse in the power system occurs as a result of voltage instability, thus which lead to a blackout, and this is a constant concern for network workers and customers alike. In this paper, voltage collapse is studied using two approved methods: the modal analysis method and voltage stability indices. In the modal analysis method, the eigenvalues were calculated for all the load buses, through which it is possible to know the stability of the power system, The participation factor was also calculated for the load buses, which enables us to know the weakest buses in the system. As for the Voltage stability Indices method, two important indices were calculated, which are: Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI) and Line stability index (Lmn). These two indices give a good visualization of the stability of the system and the knowledge of the weakest buses, as well as the Maximum load-ability of the load buses. The above mentioned two methods were applied using software code using MATLAB \\\\ R2018a program to the IEEE 30-Bus test system. In the modal analysis, the buses which have the maximum participation factor are 26, 29, and 30 this indicates that they are the weakest in the system. as well as in the voltage stability indices. These buses have the lowest maximum load ability which demonstrates the possibility of using both methods or one of them to study the voltage collapse.

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Keywords: Voltage Collapse, Modal Analysis, Voltage Stability Indices, Lmn, FVSI, Participation Factor.

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