
TJES: Amin RMM, Baban MH. Implementation of Controlling Home Appliances Via Secure Short Message Service Technology. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 28(1): 21- 30.

APA: Amin,  R. M. M., Baban, M. H. (2020). Implementation of Controlling Home Appliances Via Secure Short Message Service Technology. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28(1), 21- 30.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 28(1): 21- 30.

Implementation of Controlling Home Appliances Via Secure Short Message Service Technology

Roshna M. M.  Amin *1 , Miran H. Baban 2

1 Mathematical Department/ College of Education/ University of Sulaimani /Sulaimani Iraq

2 Basic science/ College of dentistry/ University of Sulaimani

* Corresponding author: roshna.muhamadamin@univsul.edu.iq  

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.1.03


These days, homes include a variety of electrical devices that are important to families for accomplishing daily tasks. These devices are powered by electricity and in some cases, require a lot of power consumption. Home users must control these devices manually by switching them ON/OFF; this exposes them to potential electric shock and can give rise to other dangerous situations. This paper presents a new approach for creating an electrical system that makes it easy to control household domestic appliances via short message service from a smartphone device. In this manner, users can be provided with a relaxed and safe approach to using electrical devices. The result of this work, users can access to the home devices easily and interact with them without any problem of electrical shock and personal effort.


Keywords: Smartphone, SMS message, Arduino Board, GSM modem, Home appliances.

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