
TJES: Ahmed D , Abed , .Model Predictive Control of a Double Effect Evaporator Via Simulation . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(1): 49- 63.

APA: Ahmed D , Abed , . (2021). Model Predictive Control of a Double Effect Evaporator Via Simulation . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (1), 49- 63.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(1) 49- 63.

Model Predictive Control of a Double Effect Evaporator Via Simulation

Duraid .. Ahmed *1 Ihal .. Abed 2

0 Chemical Engineering Department/ College of Engineering/Tikrit University / Tikrit/ Iraq

* Corresponding author: drduraid@tu.edu.iq  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.1.06


This paper is a study of the dynamic behavior of the double effect evaporator on the basis of energy and material balance under unsteady state conditions inside the evaporator. The simulation process was based on a model for the intensification of tomato juice. The mathematical model was used to study the effect of operational conditions, namely, the temperature of the feed, the flow rate of the feed, and the feed concentration. The dynamic behavior of the open system was studied by measuring the temperature response of the evaporators to the change of the staging function in the temperature of the feed, the feed flow rate and the feed concentration in the rate of (±10%, ±20%).The proportionalintegral-derivative and model predictive controllers were applied to solve the difficult problem by determining the best operational conditions and avoid a sharp increase in temperature. Two methods are tested to control a wide range of operating conditions and simulation results show that there is good accuracy. The MPC controller is more accurate than the PID control and faster to reach the constant value.

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Keywords: Evaporator, double-effect, tomato juice, dynamic modeling, model predictive controller, PID controller.

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