
TJES: Ibraheem , Mukhlif , .Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Plates under Pure Torsion . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(1): 84- 97.

APA: Ibraheem , Mukhlif , . (2021). Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Plates under Pure Torsion . Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (1), 84- 97.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(1) 84- 97.

Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Plates under Pure Torsion

Omer .. Ibraheem *1 Osama .. Mukhlif 2

0 Department of Civil Engineering/College of Engineering /Tikrit University/ Tikrit/ Iraq

* Corresponding author: omer.f.ibrahim @tu.edu.iq  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.1.09


The behavior of reinforced concrete members under torsional loading has interested many researchers during the last decades. These researches focused mainly on the response of reinforced concrete beams at different reinforcement conditions and the size effects. On the other hand, the behavior of concrete plates or slabs has not been investigated clearly under pure and/or combined torsional loading. In the present study, nine reinforced concrete plates were prepared and tested under pure torsion. Effect of steel reinforcement ratio and size change was studied and they have a great effect on the plated strength, capacity, stiffness and ductility. As stated by torsion theories of reinforced concrete beams, the torsional strength of slabs was upgraded also with increasing in cross section and transverse reinforcement ratio.

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Keywords: Concrete Plates, Pure Torsion, Reinforced Slab, Cracks, Twist.

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