
TJES: Jassim A , Hussein A , Abbas LF, .The Performance of a Three-Phase Induction Motor under and over Unbalance Voltage. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(2): 15- 32.

APA: Jassim A , Hussein A , Abbas LF, . (2021). The Performance of a Three-Phase Induction Motor under and over Unbalance Voltage. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (2), 15- 32.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(2) 15- 32.

The Performance of a Three-Phase Induction Motor under and over Unbalance Voltage

Abdulsatar .. Jassim *1 Arkan ..Hussein 2 Laith F.. Abbas 3

0 Electrical Department/ Engineering College/Tikrit University /Tikrit, Iraq

* Corresponding author: ‫abdulsatar174@yahoo.com‬  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.2.02


Voltage unbalance is an adverse global phenomenon impacting three-phase induction motor output. Three-phase source voltage may become imbalanced in a variety of respects, while a balanced system preserves stable voltage magnitude and angles in three phases, but a completely balanced state is difficult to get. Imbalanced cases may differ in multiple ranges which may practically affect the motor. So, this work is an effort to analyze the operations with appropriate propositions. The output of a three-phase induction motor working with an imbalanced supply grid, MATLAB/SIMULINK is further used for simulation purposes and programming based on the asymmetrical component approach is adopted. A new design for system rerating is being proposed. As a case study, a 10 HP three-phase induction motor was used. The findings of the study show that to determine the output of the induction motor, positive voltage series must be respected under the voltage unbalance factor (VUF) or proportion voltage unbalance index with six various voltage magnitude imbalance conditions, the copper losses of three-phase induction motors were calculated under full load conditions by simulation. So, the qualified percentage change in total copper losses for the motor operating under imbalanced and balanced voltages was determined.

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Keywords: Complex voltage unbalance factor, three-phase induction motor, symmetrical components, voltage unbalance, negative sequence, positive sequence.

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