
TJES: Al-Hazragi A , Lateef A , .Behaviour of Uniaxial Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(2): 54- 72.

APA: Al-Hazragi A , Lateef A , . (2021). Behaviour of Uniaxial Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (2), 54- 72.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(2) 54- 72.

Behaviour of Uniaxial Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened with Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Fiber Reinforced Polymers

Abd-al-Salam .. Al-Hazragi *1 Assim ..Lateef 2

0 Civil Department/ Engineering College/Tikrit University /Tikrit, Iraq

* Corresponding author: ‫civilengabd833@gmail.com‬‏،  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.2.05


This article investigates the behaviour of strengthened concrete columns using jacketing ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) under uniaxial loaded. The jacket was connected to the column core using shear connectors and (CFRP) fixed as a strip on the tension zone between the column cores and the jacketing. Seven column samples of square cross-section (120 x120) mm at the midsection with overall length of 1250 mm were cast using normal strength concrete (NSC) and having similar longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. The samples were made and tested under axial load at eccentricity equal to 120 mm up to failure. Test parameters were the thickness of jackets (25 and 35) mm and the width of CFRP (0,8, and 12) cm. Column specimens were tested, one of them was reference without any strengthening, and the other specimens divided into two groups (A, and B), and each group included three specimens based on the parameters. Group (A) has UHPFRC jacket thickness 25 mm and CFRP width (0,8, and 12) cm respectively, and group (B) has UHPFRC jacket thickness 35 mm and CFRP width (0,8, and 12) cm respectively. The outcomes of the article show that increasing the thickness of jacket, and width of CFRP lead to increase in the load carrying capacity about (110.5%,168.4%, and 184.2%) for group A, and (157.9%,226.3%, and 263.2%) for group B compared with the reference column due to delay in the appearance of cracks and their distribution. The mid-height lateral displacement of columns was decreased about (66.6%,42.3%, and 35.9%) for group A, and (46.15%,38.46%, and 32.3%) for group B, also the axial deformation of specimens decreased about (71.7%,60.86%, and 55.86%) for group A, and (65.5%,60.5%, and 53.4) for group B compared with the reference column. The ductility of columns that were strengthened with UHPFRC jacket only was increased about (13.67%,19.66%) for thickness(25,35) mm respectively, because of that UHPFRC jacket was contented on steel fibers, and the percentage decrease of ductility was about (5.1%,and 12%) for group (A), (1%,and 9.4%) for group (B) when bonded CFRP in the tension zone with width (8 ,and 12) cm respectively. The results show improvement in the initial and secant stiffness when, increased the thickness of jacket, and width of CFRP because of increase in the size of columns and improvement in the modulus of elasticity. The toughness increase was about (273.97%,301.55%, and 304.5%) for group A, and (453.69%,511.93%, and 524.28%) for group B compared with the reference column because of increase in the size of specimens and delay the appearance of cracks.

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Keywords: Concrete Columns, CFRP, Jacketing, UHPFRC.

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