TJES: Yasen Z , Lateef , Khazaal A , .Structural Behavior Of Simple Supported Two Layers Reinforced Concrete (Normal strength concrete & Mortar with 3-Dimension glass fiber), Beams. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(2): 93- 106.
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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(2) 93- 106.
Structural Behavior Of Simple Supported Two Layers Reinforced Concrete (Normal strength concrete & Mortar with 3-Dimension glass fiber), Beams
Zena .. Yasen *1 Assim .. Lateef 2 Ammar ..Khazaal 3
This paper represents an experimental investigation of the layered concrete beam. It contains studying the possibility of using the mortar intervention with layers of glass fibre at the tension zone in a loaded supported concrete beam. To produce a beam with less weight than the beam with all Normal concrete and detecting the effect of this replacement on beam properties. A rectangular beams section (150*200*1000)mm cast with NSC (normal strength concrete) at compression zone and mortar with layers of 3D glass fibre used as a part of the tension zone. The produced beams are layered beams with a lighter weight than the homogenous RC beam. Three deferent levels of the replaced layers (1/3,1/2, and 2/3 of the beam thickness) were studied, all beams were tested under Two point load till failure. The maximum load capacity result shows an apparent lowering in the load capacity of the beam, but as the lightweight layer increases, this lowering in the load capacity becomes less. for (1/3,1/2 and 2/3) of the beam thickness replace with mortar and 3D textile fibre, the lowering percentage of failure load compare with the homogenous reinforced concrete beam are (33.04%, 27.18%, and 19.73%), and the lowering in weight is (5.45%%, 9.07%, and 12..92%) for the same sequence, respectively. Stiffness, ductility and toughness of all beams are tested. An apparent lowering in the stiffness value of the layered beams is recorded with the reference ones. At the same time, it shows an increase in the toughness and toughness value.
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Keywords: layered beam; lightweight beams ; lightweight structure, Glass fiber, mortar beams.
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