
TJES: Almuhmdi AD, Muhmood AA, Salih AO, .Effects of Crushed Glass Waste as a Fine Aggregate on Properties of Hot Asphalt Mixture. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(3):: 129- 145.

APA: Almuhmdi AD, Muhmood AA, Salih AO, . (2021). Effects of Crushed Glass Waste as a Fine Aggregate on Properties of Hot Asphalt Mixture. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (3), 129- 145.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(3) 129- 145.

Effects of Crushed Glass Waste as a Fine Aggregate on Properties of Hot Asphalt Mixture

Ahmed D.. Almuhmdi *1 Abdulbasit A..Muhmood 2 Abdulhakim O.. Salih 3

0 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, University of Fallujah, Fallujah, Iraq

1 Department of Building and Construction Engineering Technology, Technical Engineering College / Mosul, Northern Technical University-Mosul, Iraq

2 Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq

* Corresponding author: sydik1983@yahoo.com  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.3.10


The recycling of waste requires large areas; besides recycling wastes to their origin is often economically and environmentally costly. Glass is considered as a solid waste that is difficult to dispose of; it doesn\\\’t degrade nor burn. Since glass is a silicic substance with similar properties to aggregates, it can be recycled in asphalt mixtures. This research aims to determine optimum binder content (OBC) of conventional hot asphalt mixture (HMA), (control mixture), and investigate the effect of crushed glass waste (CGW), on its properties. In this work, several percentages of CGW (10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%) have been used as a partial substitution for the weight of fraction size 2.36-0.075mm of natural aggregate to prepare glass-contained asphalt mixtures and compare their properties with the control mixture. Mix design by Marshall method was used, and the properties according to Iraqi standards (SORB/R9,2003), for binder layer, were found, as well as conducting of Retained Marshall stability (RMS), indirect tensile strength (IDT), and tensile strength ratio (TSR), tests on mixtures, as performance tests. The results showed that the OBC of the control mixture was 5% wt., and the Marshall stability and flow values of glass-contained asphalt mixtures were oscillating around the values of the control mixture. The air voids, voids in mineral aggregate, and bulk density were reduced regularly as CGW increased. Also, it was observed from the results that the glass-contained mixtures have good performance properties. However, all results conformed to the standards (SORB/R9, 2003). So, the incorporation of CGW in HMA for the binder layer is feasible.

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Keywords: Crushed glass waste; Optimum binder content; Glass-contained asphalt mixtures; Retained Marshall stability; Indirect tensile strength, Tensile strength ratio.

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