
TJES: ntShahab M, Hardan SM, Hammoodi AS, .A new Transmission and Reception Algorithms for Improving the Performance of SISO/MIMO- OFDM Wireless Communication System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2021; 28(3): 146- 158.

APA: ntShahab M, Hardan SM, Hammoodi AS, . (2021). A new Transmission and Reception Algorithms for Improving the Performance of SISO/MIMO- OFDM Wireless Communication System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 28 (3), 146- 158.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2021) 28(3) 146- 158.

A new Transmission and Reception Algorithms for Improving the Performance of SISO/MIMO- OFDM Wireless Communication System

Maha M.. ntShahab *1 Saad M.. Hardan 2 Asmaa S..Hammoodi 3

0 Electrical Department/ Engineering College/Tikrit University /Tikrit, Iraq

1 Electrical Department /College of Engineering /Tikrit University/ Tikrit/ Iraq

2 Computer Science and Mathematics Department/ Engineering College/Tikrit University

* Corresponding author: maha.mundhir@st.tu.edu.iq  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.28.3.11


The future wireless communication requires a reliable transmission at high data rates, so the transmission over frequency-selective fading Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output MIMO channels become interesting since the capacity of \\\”MIMO\\\” channels expressions enormous gains above that of their essential single-input–single-output \\\”SISO\\\” channels. This paper examines the performance of the Low Complexity Zero Forcing \\\”LCZF\\\” equalizer for both systems single-input–single-outputOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing\\\” SISO-OFDM\\\” and spatially multiplexed-Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output \\\”SM-MIMO-OFDM\\\” with different \\\”QAM\\\” modulations. It is exploring a new algorithm to improve the performance of the \\\”BER\\\”, spectral efficiency, and power efficiency and to reduce the complexity of the \\\”RF\\\” communication system under the effect of the Additive White Gaussian Noise \\\”AWGN\\\” and multipath fading channel. It is also improves an efficient channel by developing a Low Complexity Zero Forcing \\\”LCZF\\\” equalizer for both \\\”SISO-OFDM\\\” and \\\”SM-MIMO-OFDM\\\” wireless Communication systems. This is done by proposing a new algorithm at the receiver side to covert the Linear Convolution in to Cyclic Convolution by adding Zero Padding \\\”ZP\\\” to the channel impulse response in such a way to be the same length to the transmitted signal in the time domain which is of length N, where N is the length of \\\”IFFT\\\”.

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