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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2018) x(x) x- x

Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Helical Coiled Wire Inserts  

Ehsan Fadhil Abas Musa Mustafa Weis Ahmed Sami Ridha
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Department Fuel and Energy Department Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Department
Technical College/ Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Iraq


An experimental work on heat transfer enhancement in a shell and tube heat exchanger by insertion of helical coiled wires into the tube bundle was conducted. Four different pitch sizes were used (4.8, 6.4, 8.0, 9.6) mm. The working fluid for both shell and tube sides of the exchanger was water. Flow arrangement used was parallel and laminar for both sides with a Reynolds number for the tube inside ranging (100-920). Variables were taken into account, including; convection heat transfer coefficient, number of heat transfer units, thermal effectiveness, and pressure drop. CFD analysis was done in order to validate the experimental results. The study results showed an increase in heat transfer coefficient on the tube side by 54% due to the use of 9.6 mm pitched inserts. Highest thermal effectiveness
obtained was in the case of 9.6 mm pitch inserts. Pressure drop rose up to 260% due to inserts.

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Keywords: Helical coiled wires, pitch size, heat transfer coefficient, number of transfer units, effectiveness, CFD  analysis .

How to cite

TJES: Abas EF, Weis MM, Ridha AS. Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Helical Coiled Wire Inserts. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; x(x): x-x.

APA: Abas E. F., Weis M. M., Ridha A. S. (2017).  Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Helical Coiled Wire Inserts. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, x(x): x-x.

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